
Circles - Mandalas - Radial Symmetry V

Time is the substance from which I am made.
Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river;
it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger;
it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.

Jorge Luis Borges

Laura Battle, Time Piece

Günther Uecker


Circles - Mandalas - Radial Symmetry IV

Beauty is truth, truth beauty — that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know

Trichodina pediculus

Burning Man 2010

Somewhere in Saudi Arabia (via Google Earth)


Rachel Whiteread

The Inside of Objects

Nineteenth-century sculptors referred to the process of bronze casting as life, death, and resurrection as the original live object was destroyed in the casting process and resurrected in bronze. In a similar but distinctly different manner Rachel Whiteread casts the space inside, around, and adjacent to objects that have been part of people’s lives. This process and her choice of materials transform the residue of everyday life into ghostlike, uncanny spirit images of everyday objects.


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